Mass Times for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary are as follows:
6:30 A.M. – Low Mass
12:10 P.M. – Low Mass
7:00 P.M. – Solemn High Mass
Prayers and Mass of Reparation to Our Lady
All are encouraged to attend the prayers and Mass to help make reparation to Our Lady for the blasphemies in Oklahoma City.
6:00 P.M. – 6:50 P.M. – Confessions before Mass ONLY
6:15 P.M. – Rosary (Joyful & Sorrowful Mysteries)
7:00 P.M. – Solemn High Mass
After Mass – Litany of Loreto & Glorious Mysteries, followed by an Ice Cream Social
In addition to the prayers, there will be a statue of Mother Mary in the church, with vases available for the faithful to bring flowers to our Lady.
Please Note: Due to the Solemnity falling on a Monday, this is not a Holy Day of Obligation in the dioceses of the United States.