Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception (11/30 – 12/8)
All are invited and encouraged to participate in a parish wide Novena to the Immaculate Conception starting on November 30th and ending on Our Lady’s Feast day on December 8th. As a parish, the intention of the Novena is to ask Our Lady to intercede for us and our parish. Day 9 of the Novena prayer will be recited after all Masses on December 8th; 8:30am, 12:15pm and 7pm (Sung Mass).
Copies will be available in the vestibule, or you can download the prayers here.
Novena in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe – Empress of America & Patroness of the unborn (12/3 – 12/11)
The novena for Our Lady of Guadalupe will take place between December 3-11. The consecration to Our Lady will take place after the 12:15pm & 7pm Masses (7pm Sung) on her feast day, December 12. Donations for flowers are gladly accepted! Please mark your checks and envelopes “Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast”. You can drop them at the office or in the Sunday collection.
Copies will be available in the vestibule, or you can download the prayers here.