Dear Parishioners,
A Merry Christmas to you all! The choirs of Mater Dei hope that your minds and hearts will be further uplifted to God by the music at the sung liturgies this weekend.
At midnight Mass:
The mass setting will be Missa O Quam Gloriosum, by Victoria.
The ushers will have a handout for you that contains the order of all the pre-mass Christmas carols we will sing. This begins at 11pm. It also contains the translations of Latin hymns and motets sung before before and during the midnight mass.
We hope this further edifies you and aids your meditation on this Christmas feast!
At 9 am Christmas Day Mass:
Schola Marianum will sing Missa O Magnum Mysterium by Victoria, and the following motets:
Angelus Ad Pastores Ait (Gabrieli)
The angel said to the shepherds: ‘I bring you tidings of great joy,
for the Saviour of the world has been born to you today.’
Tollite Hostias (St. Seans)
Bring offerings, and adore the Lord in his holy place.
Rejoice, heaven, and exult, all the earth,
before the Lord, for he comes.
Verbum Caro Factum Est (Croce)
The word is made flesh through the Virgin Mary.
At this turning of the year, life for the ages is given;
The tiny one is born to us, of the Virgin Mary.
The word is made flesh through the Virgin Mary.
Not by human seed, but by divine breath,
God is born of woman through the Virgin Mary.
The word is made flesh through the Virgin Mary.
O blest woman, the fruit of whose womb.
Washes away the sins of the world, through the Virgin Mary.
The word is made flesh through the Virgin Mary.
O sweetest Jesus, food for our souls’ lives,
Grant us eternal peace.
The word is made flesh through the Virgin Mary.
God Bless you and your families this Christmas,
Kimberly Walters
Mater Dei Music Director