As we approach the pre-lent and lenten seasons, it is time to introduce a chant mass setting appropriate for the season. To encourage the congregation to participate as our priests desire, I and our men’s schola leader, will hold mini-workshop style rehearsals in the the Little Therese Room (women/children) and the St. Francis room (men/teen boys), for any who wish to learn Mass XVII, which is the suggested chant mass for the seasons of Advent and Lent. Just bring yourself, ready to learn! :)
I encourage as many to come that can if you ever attend the high mass, including children in the choir program. The Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei belong to the people to sing, so I hope our efforts to help everyone learn them will be taken advantage of.
See you on Sundays Jan. 18 and 25, from 10:50am-11:20am!