Images from the 9:00 AM Sung Mass for the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi at Mater Dei Latin Mass Parish, Irving, Texas. Fr. Thomas Longua, FSSP, priest, with assistance from Fr. Karl Pikus, FSSP, visiting from the Diocese of Fort Worth.
Parish Life series: Rosary Makers
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The Mater Dei Rosary Makers group offers free rosary making classes held monthly after all Masses on Sunday, usually the 2nd Sunday each month, in the Parish Hall. Free repairs while you wait for nearly all your broken rosaries! Missing pieces may take longer.
Who is the leader of this group?
My name is Angie Heiter, and I learned rosary making in the fall of 1977. Mater Dei Bookstore is currently offering rosaries which I have hand crafted, including the Mater Dei rosaries. These use blue and gold beads with various style crucifixes and a Miraculous Medal featured on the centerpiece. I began years ago offering string rosaries to parishioners, and have taught rosary making for a very long time.
What does your ministry/group bring to the Mater Dei community?
There are many who do not have a rosary to pray, or do not know how to pray it. For this reason, we give away all the rosaries we make in our classes!
What activities does your group offer to members of the community?
Beginners are welcome in all age groups.Children should be able to count to 10, else a parent or sibling should be there to assist. I also teach advanced rosary making using wire and a rosary tool. Classes are FREE!
Supplies are provided at no cost to make string rosaries and chaplets with plastic crucifix and center medal. Completed rosaries are offered free to parishioners in a basket in the vestibule. Caution is advised in giving rosaries to our youngest family members. There is a choking hazard for ages under 3 years, unless closely supervised.
We also recycle rosaries, whole and pieces. I refurbish those that are repairable, and I use the pieces to repair other rosaries that may have a missing piece or two.
What kind of commitment would be required from a new volunteer?
Beginners will usually be able to complete a string rosary in 30-45 minutes. As skill develops, a string rosary can usually be completed in about 15-20 minutes. Wire rosary lessons usually take 30-45 minutes for the basic steps. Then lots of practice follows, as skill is developed. .Completed wire rosaries take me approximately an hour
Any final thoughts?
Our Blessed Mother Mary has given 15 promises to those who are devoted to her Most Holy Rosary. Promise number 12 to those who propagate the rosary, “I will take care of all their necessities.” What do we need the most? To save our souls! To save other souls for Jesus!
Please contact Angie Heiter for more information:
More articles in the Parish Life series
Mass Schedule Changes – May 31-June 3, 2016
Please note the following changes to the Mass schedule from Tuesday, May 31 to Friday, June 3:
Tuesday, May 31st
Queenship of Mary
7pm Sung Mass ONLY (6:30am & 12:10pm Masses CANCELED)
Wednesday, June 1st
6:30am & 7:00pm (Low)
Thursday, June 2nd
12:10pm & 6:30pm (Low)
Friday, June 3rd
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
8:00pm Sung Mass (Added)
Parish Life series: Eucharistic Adoration Society
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Who is the leader of this group?
Mater Dei parishioner, Mike Drake, is the current Adoration Society coordinator. Mike is just another retired engineer, however he is a firm believer in the immense spiritual benefit available to us through eucharistic adoration. He brings his experience with years of all-night adoration at the monastery of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Dallas from the Mater Dei Community to the Mater Dei Parish. His desire is to help make your adoration experience as ascetic a journey as possible – with coffee, cakes and other goodies to back you up during adoration moments of fatigue.
What does your ministry/group bring to the Mater Dei community?
The principle recurring adoration event is on the First Friday of every month. In keeping with the All-Night Vigil of the Two Hearts begun by the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Dallas, Mater Dei carries on this public vigil with all-night adoration beginning immediately after the 8:00 p.m. Mass on First Friday until the start of the 8:00 a.m. Mass the following day.
Our offering to the community is the preservation of this sublime spiritual encounter with Our Lord month after month for all to participate in. By continually managing and monitoring adoration hours, we maintain the required attendance needed through every vigil. Members of the Adoration Society make different levels of commitment for this purpose.
The Adoration Society’s responsibility is to do its best to ensure that commitments are in place for adequate attendance at every hour of a given adoration vigil before the vigil starts. We set up sign-up calendars for the parish in order to monitor attendance commitments. We announce the vigil through the Flocknotes email channel and in the parish bulletin. We send out reminders as each date approaches. And if we determine early on that some of the hours for a given vigil are lacking in adequate attendance for whatever reason, we bring these weak spots to the attention of all the members to see whether the Society can fill those hours through additional commitments.
And it’s true that we do arrange for a modest break room with refreshments during the vigils to accompany the nighttime hours.
What opportunities/activities does your group offer to members of the community?
One need not be a member of the Adoration Society to make adoration hours, nor to sign up for adoration using the online sign-up calendars. Adoration events are always open to everyone at all event times.
The Adoration Society asks all parishioners to seriously consider joining the society to help preserve eucharistic adoration for the parish. This level of support cannot be achieved without the help of volunteers from the parish. With enough volunteers, the time commitment for each one becomes very small.
And the reward is unbounded by earthly measure. Just think about it … a “free ticket” to quality personal time with Our Lord exposed for adoration, and the shared appreciation that all Adoration Society members have for one another and for our common work.
What are some of the most rewarding parts of this apostolate, and challenges?
The purpose of the First Friday all-night adoration vigil, established by the Sisters in early 2008, is to beg God’s mercy and Our Lady’s intercession for America. Consequently, it is not just within our personal lives that we find enrichment through adoration but in common petitions to God that we share with the whole Church for the benefit of the world. The Carmelite Sisters actually join us in this First Friday vigil every month with their own vigil at their monastery in tandem with ours at Mater Dei. We pray together with them for the cessation of horrible sins which thrive in America and for the restoration of a culture of life, intentions that also unite us in a common desire to make reparation for sins against those Two Hearts.
Challenging intentions? Of course … and yet these are universals that unite Mater Dei parishioners at vigil time every month in a shared camaraderie to see to it that Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is adequately accompanied at every vigil hour.
What kind of time commitment would be required from a new volunteer?
One hour per month or less, depending on the type of commitment.
When a person signs up to become a new member of the Adoration Society, he makes one of two commitments: 1) Specified Hour 2) Unspecified Hour.
Commitment #1 – Specified Hour
This commitment is to be present for adoration at one specific hour during every vigil. If this commitment is selected, the new member will automatically be added to the adoration calendar at his selected hour every vigil, and he will receive a reminder each time. If the new member needs relief from this commitment at any vigil, he simply needs to notify the coordinator by sending him an email. (Although the typical commitment is one hour, more than one hour is also an option.)
Commitment #2 – Unspecified Hour
This commitment is to help by making an hour of adoration when vigils do not have minimally adequate attendance. If this commitment is selected, the new member will receive an email from the coordinator, if a given adoration hour were to lack adequate attendance, in order to ask the member if he would be able to cover that hour (helping does not mean a strict obligation).
Any final thoughts?
We have considered world cruises, extravagant paid vacations, and a year’s supply of hot sauce. But we have opted instead for something far beyond the confines of this world – genuine all-night adoration of Our Blessed Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament, because He is Who He is, and we, His lowly creatures, embrace the reality of His merciful presence.
Who to contact for more information:
For more information please send an email to Mike Drake at
Parish Life series: Mater Dei Music Ministry
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Do you like to sing or play an instrument? Have you sung in choirs before, or are just excited to for the first time? Do you have a love for the church’s musical heritage of Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony? If you answer “yes” to ANY of the above questions, you may help the growth of the music ministry at Mater Dei, & the choir director would like to hear from you!
Who is the leader of this group?
My name is Kimberly Walters, and I am the music/choir director at Mater Dei. I have held this position since 2012, and have overseen the program’s tremendous growth as our community has blossomed. I have been at Mater Dei since they acquired the parish property in 2009. I have been a Catholic all my life, and have had a passion for church music ever since I was 6 years old. I work part-time for our wonderful parish, and the rest of my time is devoted to my family as a wife and mother.
What does your ministry/group bring to the Mater Dei community?
The choirs of Mater Dei mainly provide music for the high Mass liturgies at the parish on Sundays and major feast days. I am also currently interested in hearing from those who would like to possibly provide music for one of the low masses (11:30am or 1pm) 1x or 2x a month. But I would like to stress that singing for the Church is so much more than just singing for mass. Music, especially vocal music, has a profound effect on people’s experience of worship, and beautiful, sacred music uplifts people’s prayer in a way that the spoken word cannot. As the one who sings, it also becomes more intensely personal and fulfilling to you, when you truly strive to pray what you sing.
How many people serve in your group?
The Music Ministry has multiple choirs. There are currently two chant scholas (men/women separate);2 adult choirs (Sunday choir is ~24 singers, and Schola Marianum is a group of 14-16 singers); 2 children choirs (St. Gregory Boys choir ages 7-12, and St. Cecilia Girls Choir ages 7-12); and the Goretti Youth Choir (ages 13-18) There are about 70 children/youth total, involved in the younger choirs.
Any child age 7 or older can join the appropriate children’s choir; Teens interested in joining the youth choir have a short vocal assessment for me to determine their current vocal ability and knowledge of music; Adults interested in joining one of the choirs preferably know how to read music fairly well, and have some previous singing experience. Singing with Schola Marianum is by the director’s invitation. This smaller adult choir sings some of the more complex choral works in the annual repertoire. Participation in either chant schola requires a working knowledge of chant notation
How often does your group meet?
Chant Scholas meet Sundays at 8:15am, before the 9am high mass. Mater Dei Sunday Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings (7:30-9:30) and sings regularly for the 9am Sunday high mass. Schola Marianum rehearses Sundays 11am-12:30pm and sings for specific feast days, Christmas and Easter morning 9am mass, and often for weddings and funerals. Starting Fall 2016, the children choirs, and the youth choir, will all rehearse on Thursdays. Children choirs ea. rehearse for 1 hour, between 4-6pm, and the youth choir will likely rehearse 6:30-7:45pm.
What service opportunities does your group offer to members of the community?
The adult parish choirs serve the very heart of the parish, by making sung liturgies possible. We serve the prayer of our fellow parishioners, and enhance the liturgical life of the parish by singing for all major feast days, and striving to make other sung, liturgical events possible, like Tenebrae during Holy Week, sung processions, and a caroling service before Christmas midnight mass. The children choirs sing about 5 times a year, sometimes in processions, and now for our new, Mater Dei Christmas Pageant. The boys choir usually sings with the men’s schola once during each liturgical season. The youth choir is developing to help make more sung liturgical events possible, such as Rogation days and other, major class feasts. They also reached out to the local Irving community this year with a Christmas Caroling event!
As a general rule, singers are expected to attend rehearsals a minimum of 75% of the time, and for the adults, if rehearsal is missed, that you review music you missed on your own before the next rehearsal. For the children and youth choirs, besides rehearsals, some music homework is usually assigned most weeks, either with learning music notation or reviewing songs they are learning, or both. I can also fill out any paperwork you may need for this to qualify as art/elective if you homeschool.
What are some of the most rewarding parts of this service, and challenges?
For the adults, being involved in the music of the liturgy can greatly enhance your prayerful participation, and be part of a smaller group within the parish community. For the children, choir teaches them to value the cultural heritage of the Catholic arts, and raise a new generation of singing Catholics! For the youth/teens, it gives them a ministry of service in the parish, while challenging them to master a skill that is deeply personal and disciplining. It is a rewarding experience and the arts are so important to a well-rounded education, so why not have it be within the Church? It keeps them connected to their parish and gives them a ministry skill they can continue to foster as they grow into adulthood. With rehearsal time + liturgies, + DFW metro area traffic, probably one of the bigger challenges for some, can be the time commitment. For the children and youth, this also involves some music homework, and for families, dealing with the possibility that you have kids of varying ages in different choirs.
Any final thoughts?
At this stage in the music ministry’s development, I would like to request in particular, for parishioners to reach out to me if you are interested in music getting started at one of the low masses. I want to hear from anyone with singing, instrumental and/or leadership ability for this possible new branch of the ministry. Please let me know what experience you may have, and how you might want to be involved.
**Regular signups for the already-established adult, children, & youth choirs will occur near the beginning of summer, in the parish hall.** (likely in June)
Who to contact for more information about the Mater Dei Music Ministry?
If you are interested in the music ministry in any way, please contact Kimberly Walters at, or by phone at 817-975-2934.