Advent Bake Sale on Sunday, December 3rd

Mater Dei Hosting International Pilgrim Statue on Saturday, December 2nd
Mater Dei will be hosting the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday, December 2nd.
Please join us as you can during any of the day’s events:
A Sung Mass at 8 a.m.
Followed by Rosary Procession
Adoration until noon
Veneration until 5:30 pm
A Low Mass at 5:30 pm
Followed by a Soup, Salad & Hotdog Potluck in the parish hall hosted by the Youth Group.
If you are attending the Potluck, please bring either soup, any kind of salad or dessert to share.
The Youth Group had a benefactor contribute hot dogs.
Questions? Email
Cyber Safety Talk on Monday, November 27th
Sponsored by the Mater Dei Safety Team
Speaker: Dennis Ozment: 4theONE Foundation
Date: Monday, November 27;
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Location: Parish Hall
Learn about security settings, dangers of social media, parental controls, how to track internet and cellular activity, IPhone vs. Android vs. flip phones, dangers of gaming systems and certain cell phone apps, and the loopholes predators use to exploit children.
This event is for ADULTS only.
Questions? Contact
St. Joseph’s Workshop on Saturday, November 11th
Join us Saturday, November 11th from 9:30 am – 12:00 in the St. Anne’s Room (Cry Room) for the next St. Joseph’s Workshop. This will be the final Workshop for this year.
If you have any questions, please contact: or (972) 438-7600 x0
9:30 Light Breakfast
9:45 Discussion One about the topic.
10:30 Fr. Longua’s Talk
11:15 Q&A and Discussion Two about the topic.
11:45 Conclusion