Just a heads up that the spring pre-ordering for Vermont Maple Syrup from my family’s farm begins THIS Sunday, and orders will be taken until March 11th.
Proceeds for all maple syrup sales at the parish go into the choir fund, to help offset annual costs of choir/music supplies, and organist stipends.
Maple syrup samples will be in the parish hall at the end of the food social line, after the 9am and 11:30am masses every Sunday.
To place an order: you must go to the bookstore and fill out an order form, and prepay by cash, check or card.
NEW for this year! I will have MAPLE SUGAR as a product you can order! Great natural sugar replacement for white or brown sugar in recipes.
Maple syrup is delivered near the end of April, when freight shipped from Vermont at the end of the sugaring season, and labeled for pick up in the parish hall.
Thank you for supporting the music program at Mater Dei, and I hope you enjoy my family’s maple syrup; from our table, to yours!
Kimberly Walters
Mater Dei Music Director