Children Choirs singing Dec. 7th

A parish of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, served by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Dear Parishioners!
I am excited to announce that physical copies of the first annual Choir CD, “Lux in Tenebris: Holy week at Mater Dei” are now for sale online!
If you are still looking for a Christmas gift, know people who love sacred music or the Latin Mass, please help our fundraiser be a success by purchasing CDs and/or help us spread the word as far and wide as possible! The Christmas season is the most popular season for purchasing music, so the time to spread the word is now. The success of this first CD will be crucial to the success of future efforts.
It is my hope that the costs related to the music program will be more self-sustainable through our fundraising efforts, and raise enough to help contribute to the parish campaign as a whole. Our level of success will determine the extent to which the choirs can help with efforts to raise money for the proposed capital campaign.
You can find the physical CD for sale at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/luxintenebrisholyweekatm (soon to be on Amazon as well).
Digital download is also available on all major digital music stores: Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Spotify, etc.
THANK YOU all for helping to publicize this endeavor beyond our own parish, and for your own personal support, to make this a success! The choirs are excited to continue recording the beautiful music at Mater Dei!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
Kimberly Walters
Music Director
From Gregorian chants in honor of Marian feasts, to choral hymns and Renaissance motets, this parish music honors the Blessed Mother of God in a beautiful devotional album, and includes the angelic voices of the St. Cecilia Girls Choir.
Purchase “Marian Devotion & Prayer”
From haunting medieval chants to joyful traditional carols, the choirs of Mater Dei Parish bring to life the spirit of Advent and Christmas in their second album.
Purchase “Lumen Gentium: Advent & Christmas At Mater Dei”
From Gregorian Chant to Renaissance Polyphony, the choirs at Mater Dei Parish give you a glimpse into the sacredness of Holy Week.
Purchase “Lux in Tenebris: Holy Week At Mater Dei”
This has been a long project in progress, but recordings of Tenebrae (chanted Divine Office night prayers) are now available. It is our hope that families who cannot make it for Tenebrae in person, will find it enriching to pray with us in spirit, and even light candles in your home, to pray Tenebrae with the parish choir and clergy.
Features: Fr. Portzer chanting the lessons from Lamentations of Jeremiah; Allegri’s Miserere Mei at the end
Features: the choral responsories from Victoria, as well as lessons of Jeremiah chanted by Fr. Wolfe.
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