December 27 ~ The Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist
There will be the blessing of wine after both the the 6:30am and 7:00pm Masses. Please bring your wine and it keep it in the pews with you or stack it along the back wall, by the baptistry.
According to legend, St. John the Apostle was served poisoned wine, but survived because he blessed the wine before he put it to his lips; the poison rose from the chalice in the shape of a serpent. In his happy memory, Catholics bring wine to church, which the priest blesses, turning it into a sacramental called the “Love of St. John.” Catholics use this sacramental wine for special occasions throughout the year and to give to the sick.
Parish News
Christmas Relief
We will be accepting donations for families in need at this time of year. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please mark your donation “Christmas relief.” You can leave your donation in the regular Sunday collection, mail it in, drop it in the office mail slot, etc. Please have donations in by December 17th. If you need help, or you know a family who could use the help, please contact the parish office
Rosary Makers & Repairs
Rosary Makers Class and Rosary Repairs after all the morning Masses in the Parish Hall, Dec. 10th
Beginners welcome!
Also many hands are needed to propagate the Most Holy Rosary as requested at Fatima.
Pray your rosary every day and encourage others to join you.
Repairs at no charge while you wait. Missing pieces may take longer.
Please contact: for additional supplies or information.
It’s back – just in time for Advent & Christmas!
100% of profits go to the Mater Dei Building Fund, so we can help build a beautiful church for Mary.
Delicious tamales from Irving based, Catholic-owned company Padrino Foods ~ $12 per dozen
To pick up orders from last Sunday & to place new orders, visit the table in the parish hall after Mass, Sunday Dec. 10th.
During Advent: Chant Mass XVII
As the season of Advent starts this Sunday, so does singing the chant mass setting for penitential seasons.
Chant Mass XVII is for Sundays during Advent and Lent. You can find it in the beginning section of the Traditional Roman Hymnal in the pews, but you can also commonly find it at the very back of the 1962 missals, including with the chant notation!
Please join in singing with the choir for high mass. You can listen to a wonderful rendition of the chant mass setting as well: