All Saints Eve Celebration Oct. 31st 7:45pm
Children will dress up as a saint and go “a-souling” through the admin building where saints and priests will distribute goodies to them in return for their prayers for the souls in purgatory.
Parish News
Life Chain – October 28th
Annual Mater Dei Life Chain
Sunday, October 28, 2-3:30 p.m.
Public Sidewalk in front of Mater Dei
Rain or shine; All ages welcome!
Signs provided
LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful, prayerful public witness of pro-life Americans standing in
remembrance of 60 million lives lost to abortion, praying for our nation, for people in crisis
situations and for an end to abortion.
For more information contact:
Feast of Christ the King – Oct. 28th
Parish Anniversary and Our Lady of Fatima – Oct. 13th
9:30am High Mass followed by procession and veneration
11:30am Potluck Lunch and activities
Please, sign-up below where you can help to make this special event in honor of Our Lady of Fatima & Parish Anniversary.
For questions contact
Second Annual St. Hildegarde Health Fair
Second Annual St. Hildegarde Health Fair
Saturday, September 22,
Parish Hall; 10-3:30pm
Plant sale starts after 8 a.m. Mass
Food, drink, speakers, information tables