Parish News
Last Weekend for Children’s choir year
This weekend will close out the choir year for the children choir program, so all the sung masses will be done by them.
Saturday’s May Crowning mass and procession will feature the two girls choirs: St. Maria Goretti Choir singing the high mass, and joined by the younger St. Cecilia choir during the procession.
Then on Sunday, the 9am high mass will be sung by the St. Gregory Men & Boys Choir.
I pray that their sweet, young voices aid in uplifting your minds and hearts in prayer. And please remember to pray for them, that their efforts may be pleasing to God, and they will learn to pray the mass more deeply through their involvement in the music.
God Bless you all,
Kimberly Walters
– Mater Dei Music Director –
Living the Vow – May 18th
Married Couples are invited to Living the Vow Series
May Talk: Staying Catholic by a Presenting Couple
May 18th: 6:30 Rosary, 7:00 Wine & Dine
Enjoy a night of prayer, dinner, talks & more!
Striving by grace through it all.
R.S.V.P. you and your spouse here: (limited seating)
R.S.V.P. for childcare here: $7/child at the door
(limited spots)
St. Joseph’s Workshops – APRIL 28TH
St. Joseph’s Workshops
Saturday, April 28th – Every 4th Saturdays of the month – Meetings will have table discussions, a priestly talk, that allows practical solutions to Catholic teaching. All adults are welcome. For more information please contact Adrian Montes
Living the Vow – APRIL 20TH
Living the Vow Series begins Friday, April 20th, Mater Dei Parish Hall
Couples’ Series to Strengthen the marriage & the Church
6:30 Rosary in the Chapel
7:00 Wine & Dine
7:20 Words from Fr. Longua
8:00 Living the Vow Series Opening Video
8:30 Meet the Couples
8:45 It Takes Two
9:00 Socialize
R.S.V.P. required here: