2018 – Confirmations at Mater Dei
Confirmations are scheduled to be on Sat., May 19th at 3pm. Contact secretary@materdeiparish.com, as soon as possible, if you are interested in receiving.
A parish of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, served by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
by Mater Dei
by Mater Dei
MAY CROWNING ~ Saturday, May 5, 2018 , at he 9:30am Mass. All children who have received First Holy Communion, up to and including age 12, are encouraged to participate. If you would like your children, boys and girls, to be part of the May Crowning, please email: maycrownng@materdeiparish.com with the children’s first & last names and ages. If your child has made their First Holy Communion from May of 2017 – May of 2018 and would like their name placed in a pool of names, where one girl and one boy will be chosen to crown the Blessed Mother statue, please give that information in the email. Rehearsals with all children participating will be Sunday, April 15th and 22nd after the 9am Mass. There will be a potluck in the Parish Hall after the May Crowning ceremony. An e-mail to help bring food will be sent out soon. If you have any questions, please contact the above email address or text 214-683-4980.
by Mater Dei
Special feature are the Victoria settings of the responsories during Matins
Kyrie/Gloria from Missa in honore St. Luis Gonzaga (Ravanello) w/ organ
Ubi Caritas (Durufle) – translation in missal
Christus Factus Est (Anerio) – transl. in missal
O Bone Jesu (Anerio) – if needed
Sanctus/Agnus Dei from Chant Mass II
In Monte Oliveti (Bruckner)
Ave Christe (Durufle)
Popule Meus (Victoria) – transl. in missal
Adoramus Te (Palestrina)
Foderunt Manus Meas (Drake)
Crucifixus ‘8 (Lotti)
Tenebrae Factae Sunt (Victoria) – responsory from Good Friday Tenebrae
Features Victoria settings of responsories
Sicut Cervus (Palestrina) – transl. in you missal
Missa Caca by Morales
Regina Coeli (Samuel Webbe)
Angelus Domini (Palestrina)
Surrexit Pastor Bonus (Lotti)
On Saturday, March 3, 2018, Mater Dei hosted a Men’s Silent Retreat and Day of Reflection. The talks from that day can be heard by clicking the links below.