On Saturday, February 24, 2018, Mater Dei hosted a Women’s Silent Retreat and Day of Reflection. The talks from that day can be heard by clicking the links below.
Parish News
Carmelites Eastertide Meals
During Lent you are invited to donate food items to the Discalced Carmelite Nuns for their Eastertide Meals. signup genius link: https://materdeiparish.com/carmeliteseaster2018
All items can be placed on the table in the Parish Hall on the east wall under the Carmelite Sign. Please place any items that need refrigeration in the freezer or refrigerator (marked “Carmelites”) in the Mater Dei kitchen. All items will be delivered March 11th, 18th and Palm Sunday 3/25. Your generosity is much appreciated by each of the Carmelite Nuns. For questions please contact carmelitesupportgroup@materdeiparish.com
LAST CHANCE to Pre-Order Maple products THIS Sunday!
Dear Parishioners:
Just a quick reminder that THIS Sunday is the LAST day to pre-order maple syrup, maple sugar, or maple glazed pecans for the choir maple fundraiser. (order forms in the parish hall, and bookstore; take order form and payment to the bookstore.)
This is an annual fundraiser I initiated to help create a fund for the music program, that helps pay for choir supplies, music books, and organist stipends.
The maple syrup is directly from my parents’ farm in Vermont, where I grew up. I hope you will enjoy our superior quality maple syrup, from my family to yours, and in the process help support the music program at Mater Dei Parish.
God bless!
Kimberly Walters
Mater Dei Music Director